Unit Testing Frontend Applications with Mocks and Stubs: Testing Without Backend Dependencies

Unit Testing Frontend Applications with Mocks and Stubs: Testing Without Backend Dependencies


Unit testing frontend applications is an essential part of ensuring code quality and reliability. However, testing a frontend application often involves interactions with backend services, which may not be readily available during the early stages of development. In such cases, utilizing mocks and stubs can enable frontend developers to test their code in isolation, without being blocked by backend dependencies. In this blog post, we will explore how to leverage mocks and stubs to effectively test frontend applications, using a React application as an example.


For the purpose of this blog post, we assume that you are developing a frontend application in React and need to fetch data from backend services. However, the backend services are not ready or accessible for testing. We will demonstrate how to proceed with testing your frontend application using mocks and stubs.


Simulating API Interactions Mocks are objects that simulate the behavior of real objects or dependencies in a controlled manner. In the context of frontend testing, mocks can be used to simulate API responses and interactions. By creating mock functions or objects, we can define the expected behavior and responses without making actual API calls.


Testing with Mocks In our example React component, let's assume we have a component called MyComponent that fetches data from an API using the axios library. However, the API services are not ready for testing. We can use mocks to simulate the API responses and interactions.

First, we need to mock the axios.get function to return a predefined response. We can achieve this using the jest.mock function from the Jest testing framework. Here's an example of how the test could look:

// Example test using mocks
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import axios from 'axios';
import MyComponent from './MyComponent';


test('renders fetched data', async () => {
  const mockedData = { message: 'Mocked Data' };
  axios.get.mockResolvedValue({ data: mockedData });

  render(<MyComponent />);

  const loadingText = screen.getByText('Loading...');

  // Wait for the data to be loaded
  const dataText = await screen.findByText('Mocked Data');


In this example, we mock the axios.get function to return the mockedData object when called. We then render the MyComponent and perform assertions to verify that the expected data is rendered on the screen.

Stubs: Providing Predefined Responses Stubs are objects or components that provide predefined responses to method calls. They are useful when you want to replace actual API calls with predefined responses, enabling you to test your front-end code without relying on the backend services.

Example: Testing with Stubs Let's continue with the same MyComponent example, but this time, we will use stubs to provide predefined responses for API calls.

// Example component that fetches data from an API
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

const MyComponent = ({ fetchData }) => {
  const [data, setData] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const getData = async () => {
      try {
        const response = await fetchData();
      } catch (error) {

  }, [fetchData]);

  return <div>{data ? data.message : 'Loading...'}</div>;

export default MyComponent;

In this example, instead of making the actual API call using axios,

we accept a prop fetchData, which represents the API call. We can then provide a stub function for fetchData during testing to simulate the desired behavior.

Here's an example test using stubs:

// Example test using stubs
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import MyComponent from './MyComponent';

test('renders fetched data', async () => {
  const mockedData = { message: 'Stubbed Data' };
  const fetchDataStub = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(mockedData);

  render(<MyComponent fetchData={fetchDataStub} />);

  const loadingText = screen.getByText('Loading...');

  // Wait for the data to be loaded
  const dataText = await screen.findByText('Stubbed Data');


In this example, we create a stub function fetchDataStub using jest.fn(). The stub function is then passed as a prop to the MyComponent during testing. We define the desired behavior of the stub function to return the mockedData object when called. This allows us to test the component without relying on the actual API calls.

Conclusion: Unit testing frontend applications can be challenging when backend services are not ready or accessible for testing. However, by utilizing mocks and stubs, frontend developers can effectively test their code in isolation, without being blocked by backend dependencies. In this blog post, we demonstrated how to use mocks and stubs in a React application to simulate API interactions and provide predefined responses. By adopting these techniques, you can confidently test your frontend code and ensure its quality and reliability, even without fully developed backend services.

Remember, mocks and stubs are powerful tools, but they should be used judiciously. It's important to strike a balance between isolating your frontend code for testing purposes and eventually integrating with the real backend services once they become available.

Happy testing!